by Jan Fielden

Last week as I was walking to close the drapes in the living room and it was getting close to dusk, I looked out the window and decided I needed to get closer to the window because of what I saw. I didn’t believe I was really seeing what I thought I was seeing!

There were two deer in our yard. One was a buck and the other was a smaller, maybe a doe. I very slowly moved away from the window and went to get The Colonel because I wanted him to see it and also because I knew he wouldn’t believe me if I just told him about it. He says that weird things always happen to me and never to him.

So, I walked in the office and told him to come look at this sight. At first, I didn’t think he was going to come but then I added the words…you are never going to believe it…that gets him every time. Telling him to move slowly and not to make any kind of motions with his hands, I had him look out the window. He was as surprised as I had been when he saw the deer. We knew there was no gate open, so they had to jump the fence which is four feet high. We knew the buck could jump the fence, but it seemed a tall order for the smaller doe to jump that high. They were just casually eating grass to which I said they are cutting the grass for us. Now I know it was possible they would also eat leaves from the trees (the cows do that-not in the yard though) and they might munch on the rose bushes and other plants. I figured they would leave the Cannas alone and also the Day Lilies.

It was a nice scene while it lasted. We turned our heads and they were gone. The Red Oak Ranch has interesting guests who evidently make themselves at home.