by Jan Fielden

The Hummingbirds are making for an interesting day of bird watching. I have a Wasp that is hanging around their feeder and they tolerate it for a short period of time. After that time is up, I watched all of them gather together to attack the intruder! They took turns flying at it, they didn’t go as an army. Didn’t take too long to drive the Wasp away but it did always return.

Watching the new little calves, the other day as they were up close to the barn and can easily be seen from the house, was a total joy. One of the newbies was hopping up in the air and then when it came down it would look around to see if everyone were watching! Kids, just being kids.

We have, knock on wood, not seen one Copperhead Snake this year so far. There was a snake on the driveway that “snaked” away, but it was small and didn’t look at all like a Copperhead at least what I could see before he was out of sight. So, we are going along surprisingly good at the Red Oak Ranch so far this year!