Ranching in Oil and Gas Country: Rangeland Challenges will be the topic of an Aug. 4 natural resources webinar conducted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service ecosystem science and management unit.
The webinar is a part of the Texas Range Webinar Series scheduled the first Thursday of each month, said Pete Flores, AgriLife Extension webinar coordinator in Corpus Christi. The webinar will be from noon to 1 p.m.
Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, AgriLife Extension agricultural law specialist in Amarillo, will lead the discussion.
“Ranching is challenging under the best circumstances,” Dowell Lashmet said. “These challenges increase when there is oil and gas production competing for resources in the area.
This webinar will focus on issues facing landowners dealing with oil and gas production on their property and will offer ideas for how best to protect their property and livelihood.”
There will be no Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units offered this month, so the webinar is free for all to attend, Flores said. This webinar and others in the series can be accessed at http://naturalresourcewebinars.tamu.edu. For more information on the webinars, contact Flores at Pete.Flores@ag.tamu.edu.