Wortham ISD had a district-wide Career and College Fair on Thursday, March 23, 2023. The event also showcased the school’s career and technology programs.

“It was an incredible day,” says coordinator AmyJo Miller.

Miller explained that Wortham High School had been fortunate to receive a JET grant which provided new equipment for the Certified Medical Assistant training program (CMA). “Students and community members were able to see some of our new equipment such as interactive manikins, phlebotomy training equipment, etc.,” said Miller.

High school students attended first, then middle and elementary school kids.  Parents and community were also invited to join the event.
Setting up booths for the event included:

–Colleges and Universities – Blinn, TSTC, Navarro, Tarleton, Stephen F Austin.

–Military – Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Army national reserve.

–Law enforcement and emergency agencies (from three counties)    –   Navarro County Sheriff, Wortham Police, Waco Emergency Management, Freestone County game warden, Wortham fire, Fairfield EMS, Allegiance EMS, Corsicana Fire, Air Evac helicopter.

–Government – Texas Parks & Wildlife, Freestone and Limestone extension agents, Freestone County Commissioner Clyde Ridge and equipment, Texas Workforce Commission, City of Wortham.

–Businesses – R&M Feed Supply, Richardson Bee Farms, Glory Farms, BWS Services, Mexia Veterinary Clinic, Kurstyn Adams – Horse Dentistry, Indio Contracting Services, Long Industries, Audubon Metals, Collin Street Bakery, Luminant, SWARCO, Oncor, Farm Bureau Insurance, Serenity Spa, The Mexia News, Centex Citizens Credit Union, Restland Funeral Home – Funeral Director, Freese and Nichols – Environmental Scientist, Justin Colquette – Pastor, Moments To Memories Photography, Mexia State Supported Living Center, Parkview Regional Hospital, Limestone Medical Center, Skilled Care of Mexia, Heritage Realty, Wortham Air Conditioning, Shallow Creek Land Survey Company, Momentum Midstream, Freestone Diesel Performance, Kirby-Smith Machinery.

–WISD Departments – Agriculture Education, Culinary Arts, Spanish Club, Art Club, EMT Academy, CMA Academy, Band, Nurse, Debate, FCA, Bulldog Beefstro Barbeque Team, And CERT Team.

Bulldog Brew sold a gazillion cappuccinos.  Culinary Arts provided a breakfast of Kolaches and juice to the exhibitors.  Culinary Arts and Bulldog Beefstro barbeque team sold lunches of Barbeque sandwiches, beef sliders (from beef provided by Glory farms), and chef salads.

“We would like to thank everyone who came out, set up a space, and shared their time and knowledge with our students,” said Miller.  “Many brought lots of great give-a-ways and promotional items.”

During the event, students had an opportunity to talk to industry professionals, as well as former graduates who are now in the workforce.
Several companies were hiring and recruiting during the event.

If anyone would like to be put on the list for a space next year, please contact AmyJo Miller at Wortham High School via email to amyjo.miller@worthamisd.org or by calling 254-765-3094.

(Photos by Jennifer Lansford)