Lowering utility deposits to benefit renters was discussed by the City of Teague Board of Aldermen during their meeting on Monday, December 18, 2019.
City of Teague City Administrator Theresa Prasil explained that Landlords had approached her and members of the council over concerns on the cost of utility deposits for renters.
With all the deposits necessary to move into a new home, some renters were feeling strain on their finances making getting into a home difficult at times.
The Aldermen voted to discuss lowering the utility deposit to $150, with a $25 connection fee, for the renters in Teague. They plan to revisit, and vote on changing the ordinance during the January meeting.
Alcohol was a discussed topic during the December meeting with the council voting to move forward in a discussion to change the ordinance pertaining to the possession of alcohol on any city property. (Article 8.300)
Texas Alcohol and Beverage Commission (TABC) laws and regulations must be followed, and this can be a time consuming process.
Changes will not be in time for the Valentine’s Christmas in the Parks fundraiser, due to possible time constraints.
The City of Teague logo contest had four entries. One from one person, and three from another.
The Aldermen selected the artist, Bryan Teer, who turned in three options, but voted to approach him about modifying the design.
The list of items to be sold / auctioned was slightly changed to remove two lawnmowers to be kept by the City for use for cutting grass instead of contracting mowing out.
Other discussions during the meeting consisted of:
–Rehire Hailey Brown as a Utility Clerk.
–Continuing the settlement discussions with Fairfield including review of jointly owned assets.
–Not going forward with the Go Texan events at this time.
–Declining the hangar proposal from Mike Stewart.