Recognize This Face?


In the mid-1980s, Freestone County had its own “Stranger Things” experience when residents of Teague spotted a bizarre entity walking along a neighborhood street late one evening.

Children who were playing outside first spotted the “creature” as it crept from the railroad yard towards an abandoned building.  They quickly fled into their homes and told their parents, several of whom came outside to see the strange thing themselves.

It was described as a humanoid with “a tail and cloven hooves.”

The panicked parents immediately called 911, pleading for the police to investigate.

The resulting investigation didn’t turn up the strange visitor, but it wasn’t the last time the thing was sighted.

A short time later, personnel from the BNSF railroad office informed police they’d also seen a strange creature “crawl out of one of the boxcars.”  They were too frightened to approach it.

The story of the bizarre creature has since become a Texas-sized mystery.  To this day, no one can explain exactly what witnesses saw in Teague that night.

Was it a “hobo” in a convincing costume or perhaps something more paranormal?

Author and paranormal investigator, Lyle Blackburn, is currently researching the case as part of a new podcast feature.

If you were a witness to the event or have any information regarding those who were there at the time (circa 1986 or 1987), please contact him via his website: (

He is also seeking the Teague Police officer(s) who were called to the scene.  Any information would be helpful.