President Joe Biden announced vaccine mandates last week in an effort to reduce the number of unvaccinated Americans in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The mandate requires vaccinations for the following groups:

–All employers with 100 or more employees to be vaccinated or tested weekly,

–Vaccinations for all Federal workers and for the millions of Contractors that do business with the Federal Government,

–Required COVID-19 vaccination for over 17 million Health Care Workers at Medicare and Medicaid participating hospitals and health care settings, and

–Calling on Large Entertainment venues to require proof of vaccination or testing for entry.

The mandate also requires employers to provide paid time off to get vaccinated.

The President’s plan also addresses the nation’s schools:

–Requiring staff in Head Start programs, Department of Defense schools, and Bureau of Indian Education-Operated schools to be vaccinated,

–Calling on All States to adopt vaccine requirements for all School Employees.

The plan also seeks to provide resources to the FDA to support timely review of vaccines for individuals under the age of 12 years.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton indicates that he plans to sue the Biden Administration over the new mandates concerning private businesses.

In addition, Paxton currently has multiple lawsuits filed against at least three Texas school districts who have maintained mask mandates for students and staff, going against Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s lifting of the mandates this summer.

The CDC recommends indoor masking in schools, and 3 feet social distancing, regardless of vaccination status.

In local news, at the recommendation of Freestone County Health Authority, Judge Deborah Evans is recommending facial coverings be worn inside the District courtroom.  Social distancing (other than those outside of your party) will be enforced.


As of Monday, 29,8 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine has been administered to at least 16,8 million Texans.
An estimated 58.93% of people 12 years or older are now fully vaccinated in our state. This number comprises about 77.84% of Texans as 65 or older.
Here are the percentages of fully vaccinated individuals in local counties:
12 years +  | 65 years +
–Freestone: 36.28% | 56.61%
–Navarro: 44.75% | 70.22%
–Limestone: 36.43% | 56.96%
–Leon: 36.98% | 61.17%
–Anderson: 38.01% | 59.10%


Active cases continue to surge locally, as multiple variants have been documented in Texas and the United States that may spread more easily or cause more serious illness.
The Texas Department of Health and Humans Services has updated their COVID-19 app, visit and click Case Count to view to information.
Here is a current look at cases for local counties, as of September 11, 2021:
Confirmed | Probable | Fatalities | Active cases
–Freestone: 1,482| 1,050 | 57 | 226
–Navarro: 4,030 | 3,766 | 159 | 690
–Limestone: 2,479 | 922 | 95 | 209
–Leon: 1,669 | 546 | 52 | 251
–Anderson: 4,889 | 2,232 | 146 | 677


Texas is currently allowing vaccinations for all persons 12 and over.
Visit online at to find a location near you.
Know someone who is eligible for a vaccine but doesn’t have internet access? Have them call 833-832-7067 for referral to a local vaccine provider.
Or, text your zip code to 438829 to receive a list of vaccination sites near you.