Not long ago, Fairfield business owner, Barry Capps, asked Council members to investigate the possibility of allowing business owners, who do not actually reside inside the city limits, to vote in City Council elections.

The idea behind the suggestions was that decisions made by the Council affect business owners, as well as residents.

City Administrator Jeff Looney referred the question to attorneys with the Texas Municipal League, asking if the City could pass an ordinance to allow for such.  He shared his findings with the Council during last week’s Regular Session on Tuesday, November 14, 2017.

According to the Texas Election Code (Section 11.001), only residents are eligible to vote in elections.

As State law supersedes municipal, a City could NOT allow business owners, not residing inside city limit, to vote in a City election.  Nor could a City pass an Ordinance allowing such, as it would be in violation of State Election laws.

However, people who own businesses in a City may serve on committees, if the Council chooses to allow it.

Business owners may also be allowed to speak on any matter before the Council, just as any citizen of the City might.