Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year’s General Election day will include local School Board and City Council elections.

Normally held in May, these elections were postponed by order of Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

In order to assist our readers in selecting their candidates in the City and School elections, Freestone County Times sent out four questions to be answered.

City of Fairfield

There will be six candidates on the ballot for Fairfield residents to choose from: two vying for Mayor, and two each listed for Councilman Place 1 and Councilman Place 2.

Mayor Kenneth Hughes is being challenged by Mayoral candidate Jason Bosley.

Position of Councilman Place 1 is being sought by candidates Bettye Trask and Jeffrey Price.

Listed for Councilman Place 2 is incumbent Randy Johnson and James Tyus.

(It is important to note that Tyus has officially withdrawn his candidacy from the race. However, due to the late withdrawal filing, his name will still be on the ballot).

QUESTION #1 – What qualifications do you bring to the position?

–Mayor Kenneth Hughes: First and foremost, I have a can-do-attitude and am fully committed to the betterment of Fairfield, which makes me the perfect fit for the city I am proud to call home.  My city involvement does not stop at the city hall doors. I am involved in most organizations, whether through being a member or just simple showing up in support of their efforts. When I say I am “100% for Fairfield”, that is not just a slogan, it is the way I live my life.
I have 11 plus years experience in city government, accomplishing many things for the city with help of many hard working people.
I have an extensive accounting background, which has helps tremendously in navigating through the complex finances and budgets that a mayor is responsible for.
I am, and always have been, fair, approachable, honest, professional and unbiased. When taking an oath, I follow it to the letter.

–Mayoral Candidate Jason Bosley: The characteristics I bring to the Mayor position is HONESTY, INTERGRITY and TRANSPARENCY We will follow the law to the letter and make sure everyone in our city government is accountable for their actions.

–Council Place 1 – Candidate Bettye Trask: I believe I can bring several things to the table:
— Life Experience — years of leadership roles in many areas
— BA degree in Accounting
— Very active in community activities
— Faithful in attending city council meeting for many years
— I am “positive person” with a desire to look to the future
— I am veteran of the US Navy
— I was raised in Fairfield and graduated from FISD in 1960
— I know the history of our city and hold a great love for the town and its people
— I am a born-again Christian and try to live my life with values of morals and integrity. I consider this to be my strongest qualification.

–Council Place 1 – Candidate Jeffrey Price: I have a business degree from Sam Houston State University which will be helpful with the business aspects of city council, such as the budget and financial planning for the future.
I have over 20 years of experience in fire and EMS which will give me some additional knowledge when it comes to understanding the needs and operations of the emergency departments that the city funds.
I am honest and will only do things that are legal and ethical to help the city of Fairfield to prosper and move forward. I have integrity and will not participate in anything that doesn’t serve to help us grow.
I have a good work ethic and will put Fairfield first.

QUESTION #2 – If you could accomplish one thing during your tenure that would improve the City, what would it be?

–Mayor Hughes:   This question is a hard one.  There are so many things that are left for us to do and yet we have accomplished so many.  With that, I feel that growth is the catalyst to all. Doing that takes so many puzzle pieces, which include bringing business and the constant improving of our infrastructure.

–Mayoral Candidate Bosley: If I can improve one thing about Fairfield during my tenure it would be to build a bond between citizens and businesses to generate an industry driven economy that will encourage our young people to want to stay in Fairfield.

–Council Place 1 – Candidate Trask: It is difficult to put only one accomplishment on the front burner as most important. The streets and their improvement would rank very high. However, I would not want to overlook the need to be sure that Fairfield remains a caring town and a great place to live and work.
Our town needs to continue grow with family activities. The Disk Golf is one such activity
Not having any idea of how long we will be dealing with the Covid Crisis, we need to have activities that will bring families together.
Sports have always been a big part of our community. The “ag” activities with youth and their animals are part of Fairfield also. Let’s work on structures and enhancements of these activities. We need to be a town with “something for everyone.” We need to build positive memories of our children.

–Council Place 1 – Candidate Price: I believe that Fairfield is sitting in a prime area between Dallas and Houston and has great potential to grow. I would like one of my main accomplishments to help bring business and prosperity to Fairfield. I know that there have been several opportunities for growth that were not permitted to happen and feel that it is absolutely essential for Fairfield to grow or else we will slowly wither away. We need to bring careers here that will support families and increase our population. I want to help with any type of business from industrial, retail and restaurants to make Fairfield grow.

QUESTION #3 – Dealing with the COVID pandemic this year brought many challenges, and inspired several innovations. Name one thing you would have done differently, or one thing you would like to have improved in the way the City responded.

–Mayor Hughes: The pandemic has affected most every aspect of our lives, including our health, our economy, and our social well-being.  Fairfield has stood strong. We have worked diligently providing PPE where needed.
In order to keep people working, we chose not to shut down Fairfield, as many other towns did. And, though we saw a sharp decline in our sales tax for the month of June, the following months bounced back and even increased over last year.
I do feel that some good has come through this trial.  This time has forced us to slow down a bit.  Families have seemed to spend more time together and the rat race has seemed a little less hectic.  Some may say we could’ve or should’ve handled things differently…I believe, as a community, we handled things extremely well considering the global situation.

–Mayoral Candidate Bosley: During Covid I would have encouraged normal social behavior, with cautions protecting you and your family. I would have encouraged our small businesses to remain open and welcome our community following CDC guidelines. I would not have cancelled all of our social events, for example the Breeding Show at the fair, the annual Big T Cook Off, Show of Wheels, or any youth activities that could social distance or meet minimal guidelines.

–Council Place 1 – Candidate Trask: It is always easier to look back and see how things could have been done better. It is not always easy to be in the driver’s seat and make the decisions. Some people will favor our decisions and some will not. In the Covid case who would have every thought this would happen in our life time. We had no experience to help us deal with this situation. None of us would know how severe it was to be and how long it would continue.
If an event is cancelled some are angry and others are upset because we did not act soon enough. The first group because they are inconvenienced and the other because people’s safety is not considered. Looking back we might say I would do it different but you are not dealing with the same information that was available to the leaders at the time.

–Council Place 1 – Candidate Price: I believe the COVID pandemic caused a great deal of harm not only to our city but to the whole country. I feel that there was abuse of power for certain groups/businesses in Fairfield which allowed some to prosper and caused others to fail. This to me is unethical and should not be tolerated. I believe that we are all equal and we should all be treated fairly. I believe that we live in a free country that was bought and paid for by our troops and I feel that people can and should have the right to live as though we are free. We should not be held back or controlled by any type of government. This includes meeting and gathering for church or other civic organizations.

QUESTION #4 – Anything else that voters should know about you as they make decisions in casting their votes?

–Mayor Hughes: I promise that I will continue to be 100% for Fairfield.  I promise to continue to work closely with all parts that make this city a whole. I promise to do my part in keeping Fairfield safe and strong and hopefully inspire others along the way. I promise to always do what is in the best interest of our community and our citizens.  I promise to be a mayor that you can believe in.

–Mayoral Candidate Bosley: Somethings voters should know about me are; I have lived in Freestone County for most of my life, I have been married to my wife, Melinda, for 16 years, we have 3 very active children. Melinda and I have volunteered our time in many youth activities. We believe, our youth is the key to our future and we must find a way to keep the next generation in Fairfield.
I have been in business for myself since 2006, running day to day operations. Building a business has not been easy and I have made my share of mistakes, but with perseverance and hard work I have overcome some huge obstacles. I plan to use my personal experiences as an asset to run the City as a business.

–Council Place 1 – Candidate Trask: I will strive to listen to both sides of an issue. I will treat people with respect whether I agree with them or not. I may disagree but not be disagreeable.
I will serve with all the love and integrity I have in my heart.

–Council Place 1 – Candidate Price: There have been people spreading false statements about me with regards to my stance on the hospital. They say that I am against the hospital and want it to close. This could be no further from the truth. I am a paramedic and I know and understand the need for medical treatment and it is shocking to me that people say I want the hospital to close. I don’t know anyone who would be happy to see a local hospital close. I appreciate the fact that we have a hospital in Fairfield and if we didn’t it would be very harmful for the people in the surrounding area. This hospital is essential and I would never want it to close down. It is not only important for the people of this surrounding area but for the growth and viability of the city of Fairfield. If we don’t have a hospital here it will be significantly harder for us to bring in any type of business and we will suffer economically.
I would also like to say that I have no hidden agenda. lam only here after a great deal of prayer and reflection. I believe that I am an excellent candidate to represent the needs and desires of the citizens of Fairfield and will do so in an ethical and legal way. Thanks for your consideration to elect me to Council Place #1.

City of Teague

There will be four candidates on the ballot for Teague residents to choose from: two vying for Mayor, and two running unopposed for Aldermen positions.

Mayor James Monks is being challenged by Mayoral candidate Lois Mims.

Alderman Jerry Ballew is running unopposed for Place 1; and candidate Marilyn Michaud is running unopposed for Place 2 (incumbent Alderwoman Marie Hertenberger chose not to enter this election).

QUESTION #1 – What qualifications do you bring to the position?

–Mayor James Monks: I have previously served two terms on the city council as an alderman and mayor pro tem.
In my full time job, I have experience with budgets, job planning, and job performance that help me in performing the duties of being Mayor.

–Mayoral Candidate Lois Mims: What I can bring to this position as Mayor of Teague, is the ability to do my job. I will be open minded to all residents. I have my BSBA and I have some certifications in the master’s program. I am enrolled in the master’s for Management. I have operated and owned two companies.

–Alderman Place 2 – Candidate Marilyn Michaud: Six years experience as an Alderman from 2013-2019. Since moving to Teague I have worked (volunteered) on as many improvement groups as possible and eventually becoming a business owner.

QUESTION #2 – If you could accomplish one thing during your tenure that would improve the City, what would it be?

–Mayor Monks: Like everyone, I would love to have smooth and paved streets on every block in town. I also understand that the infrastructure of water and sewer has to be improved thru replacement and upgrades completed before we can improve our streets.
I would continue the focus on improving and replacing our sewer and water services in town.

–Mayoral Candidate Mims: Have a better system for high water bills, and to assist the elderly with the high cost of their bills. I would see what can be done about the streets, leaks, and a system that would help each residents.

–Alderman Place 2 – Candidate Michaud: The main thing that needs to happen in the City is to educate citizens in governing the City. Most are not aware that not all Texas cities are the same, governed by a different set of rules.
Teague is a General Law, Type A city – governed by a panel of Aldermen, called Aldermanic Form of Government, guided by the Mayor if needed for assistance.
In the past few years the City has been sliding into a Home Rule form – Manager and Mayor – with assistance from the Aldermen when necessary. A city does not qualify for Home Rule under population is 5000; the Citizens hold election or council elects to change. This has not occurred – Council extended some duties of the Administrator but did not elect Home Rule. Under this form State tells cities what they cannot do, but no what they can do.
We need to get our Council back to Aldermanic General Law, Type A.

QUESTION #3 – Dealing with the COVID pandemic this year brought many challenges, and inspired several innovations. Name one thing you would have done differently, or one thing you would like to have improved in the way the City responded.

–Mayor Monks: When COVID first appeared , we had no idea what it was or how to respond to it. I , along with other community leaders across the state and country were in a position that no one ever anticipated. We had no rule books or guides to follow so every day was a learning experience.
The main thing I would like to do differently would be to find ways to keep all of our businesses open while preserving the health and safety of our community.

–Mayoral Candidate Mims: I would have kept the resident in this community informed with what was going on with how to stay safe and how many were tested positive of the COVID-19. Keeping the community informed is always a great communication within a crisis.

–Alderman Place 2 – Candidate Michaud: I believe Covid-19 handled as well as they could, having to follow orders and rules in place by higher authority. Perhaps the one thing everyone would like to have seen handled differently would have been disposing the trash at the City dump.

QUESTION #4 – Anything else that voters should know about you as they make decisions in casting their votes?

–Mayor Monks: I have enjoyed serving as Mayor of Teague.Un the last three budget years, we have maintained a balanced budget and were able to return excess funds to our accounts. We have implemented a fleet replacement schedule for our equipment and vehicles ,and have also created a list of community improvement projects and set timelines to begin prioritizing and  implementation of these projects.
This will be an extended effort and I would appreciate the opportunity to continue serving as Mayor to continue our efforts on this project.

–Mayoral Candidate Mims: I plan to do my job to its fullest. I will return phone calls and work with all the residents of this community. I am a hard worker. I care about people and will do my best to help our community.

–Alderman Place 2 – Candidate Michaud: Most citizens know me and have their own opinion of my ability to serve again. I am an unopposed candidate – they can support by a vote or not.