Antioch Baptist Church welcomes John Wayne impersonator Gene Howard on Sunday, June 18, 2017 during their 11:00 a.m. service.

Mr. Howard is first and foremost a preacher of the Gospel, and secondly a John Wayne impersonator who looks, dresses, and sounds like John Wayne.

He very simply uses this as a tool to help get his message heard.

His background is very interesting. He served in the United States Air Force from 1957 through 1961.

During that time, he also attended college. He served in the Crash Rescue and Fire Department and designed fire prevention posters.

After receiving an honorable discharge from the service, he served as a telephone lineman while at the same time he attended night classes at the Texas Academy of Art in Houston.

He attended and graduated from Baptist Bible College in Springfield Mo. and began a full time ministry.

After being told by people for several years that he looked like and sounded like John Wayne, he launched into an evangelistic ministry to reach patriotic Americans.

God gave him a message called,” Freedom and Sacrifice” which he delivers to churches, Veteran hospitals, Military bases and even to Festivals.

We will give an opportunity for those who attend to give a “love offering” for Dr. Howard.

Antioch Baptist Church is located on F.M. 1364, east of Fairfield off of Highway 84.