Dear Editor,

If you have ever seen an activity, watched it up closely, and plainly observed it, but think it to be impossible, you know how I feel regarding doctrinaire progressive liberals who continue to print patently idiotic verbiage, and present it as fact: [see communists, scientologists, flat-earth advocates, real atheists, ultra-leftist “woke” idiots, et al]. Included of course, must be local area self-anointed visionaries who presume to offer political science lessons that anyone who’s mastered Jr. High School civics instantly recognize as false, disinformation, etc. – the repeated hallmark remains very high fog content: lots of chaff, not much wheat.

There can be no more blind a man who still has his sight than one who will not see what is factually right in front of him: a borderless southern boundary encouraging illegal migrants, “sanctuary” cities (all democrats!) now crying for federal bailout because they are downing in illegal migrants, mentally impaired hacks in highest office, crippling over-regulation of business.

Capitalism and free enterprise work in tandem and if lightly regulated invariably produce prosperity and higher living standards. Its direction is profit, not social engineering. Capitalism has proven to be the driving force that makes the U.S.A. the premier power in the world and a magnet for refugees from nations that disdain it. 40 years ago, China was a third-world country, strangled by communist overregulation and state-run industry. Capitalism is the single cause of China’s economic power today. Sadly, it is also a police state. Here, free enterprise enables some states to grow, prosper, and succeed, e.g., Texas, Florida, Arizona while much harsher regulatory states, e.g., California, New York, Illinois, hemorrhaging people and businesses that flock to business-friendly states. Bottom line: real capitalism works; big government fails the citizens it’s supposed to serve. It simply doesn’t work.

God deliver us from further false information packaged in poor composition, and

God bless America!

El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas