Time is the only thing that can’t be restored. Stop procrastinating about your health. When God puts something on your mind or heart, you must move now. The bible says; if we take one step, HE will take two. Step into a healthier lifestyle, one step at a time. People say, I am young, I have time. You may have time, but do you want to be sick and not at your best? At our best we’re beneficial in every way.
What about our kids? It is important to feed our kids organic and healthy stuff. What they eat now, determines what dis-eases they become susceptible to. It’s our job to protect them. Train and raise them to make better choices than we made at their age. Feed kids bad stuff, they want bad stuff. You’d be amazed at how healthy they would eat if we only tried.
Many have the desire, yet fall short due to the lack of provision. Start small!
1. What’s your worst addiction? Unless you’re addicted to salad, you must stop! If your addiction is sweets, eat more fruit; chips, replace with kale chips; sweet tea, drink green tea. There is always a good alternative for bad.
2. Add raw fruits and vegetables to your diet. Drink fresh juices and smoothies. Eat more salads with ingredients like fruit and shredded veggies. Add good fats like olive oil or nuts. Salads aid with digestion and give energy. No iceberg lettuce. The greener, the better.
3. Watch your portions. Don’t eat until you’re stuffed.
4. Make better choices. Eat boiled, baked or vegetable proteins vs. fried or animal proteins.
5. Get on schedule. Don’t eat when you’re starving. Eat consistently throughout the day. Your body requires balance and although it functions without it, you’re not at your best. You change your oil regularly to prevent your motor from locking up, you don’t lock up the motor up, then get your oil changed.
It is never too late to do what is right. Time waits for no man and putting things off don’t fix a problem, it enhances it!
Courtesy of In Thee Beginning, located on the square in downtown Fairfield, Texas.