If you gain weight during the cold weather, you are not alone.  Many people gain weight during the winter because we spend more time snuggled up, baking, and cooking for the holidays.  We don’t go out often and we move around less.   I have great tips that will help you stay fit during the holidays.  Below are tips on where to start!
Start your day with green tea or organo gold coffee.   Green tea is beneficial and gives energy and burns fat.   Organo Gold coffee is good if you love coffee but know that it is not good for you because it’s acidic, addicting, full of caffeine, and increases blood pressure.   The Organo Gold brand is the opposite with the same great experience.  
Eat warm oatmeal for breakfast.  Not only is oats good for your cholesterol but it helps you lose weight.
Eat soups and stews packed with many vegetables, proteins, and beans for all your nutritional needs.
Find activities to do that help keep you moving.   Clean out the garage, closet or house.  Go hiking, try to ski, or even jog.  
Go to the mall.  You can speed walk around and you can get miles in.  This will keep you out of the cold and you can get your Christmas shopping out of the way faster.
Instead of turning on the heat, do jumping jacks or get on the treadmill to warm up.
Drink a glass of fresh juice daily.  This will help give you those nutrients you are missing for the salads and fruit cups that you don’t crave in the winter.  
Eat a salad.  Lettuce, spinach, and other greens are grown in the cold weather.  Which means that you get more nutrients because they are fresh!  So even though you may not crave one, try a salad a few times during the week.  
It is easy to just gain weight and allow the season to take over you, but in order for you to have control of you, you have to intentionally do better and hopefully the tips above will help!
This article courtesty of In Thee Beginning located at 122 S Keechi St. in Fairfield, Texas.