Aside from the commercialism, Christmas is one of my favorite celebrations.

Held in the middle of winter, during the longest nights of the year, Christmas is about hope, and light and love, and the joy that comes to fill the whole world.

There is no “us” and “them” in a world that honors Christmas.

Because, when we observe the true meaning of Christmas – when we share the love in our hearts with each other, and reach out to care for those in need – one of the first things to fall away are our differences.

Those things that seem so important during the majority of the year become insignificant in light of the Christmas story.

The beautiful story of a God who made himself small and vulnerable, to be born of a peasant girl and to grow from a child, to a teen, to a man; experiencing all that it means to be human.

All this, so that we could understand the truth: that our creator is a God who loves us deeply.

The reality is we are all the same.

We all seek after love and acceptance. We all long for genuine peace in our lives, and want to experience the hope that joy brings.

More than that, we are all intricately connected, for we are all God’s children.

My wish this year is for each of us to experience the “good news of great joy” that is Christmas.

May each one of you experience a holy season that is filled with everything good.

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
–Luke 2:10-11