Volunteers are being sought for this Saturday’s Harvey Relief Jam, a fundraising event hosted by Tri-County Golf Club at the Vineyards.

For information, or to learn how to become a sponsor, contact Nicole Hughes ( 903-879-4545)at the FreeCo Disaster Relief Volunteer Group, Nick Crandall ( 979-253-0882) or Jackie Dillon ( 254-625-1830) or (254-739-5600) at Tri County Golf Club and Scott Thornton ( 903-644-8838) with Diamondback.

The Harvey Relief Jam will feature Diamondback Texas and several additional bands to raise money for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

The benefit is being organized by Tri-County Golf Club at the Vineyards, Scott Thornton of Diamondback Texas, and the FreeCo Disaster Relief Volunteer Group.

Entry fee for this event will be $10 per person.

There will be food, beverages, raffles, live auction, washer tournament, children activities and more.

There will be absolutely no outside ice chests, food or beverages of any kind allowed on the premises.

Bring your lawn chairs and listen to some great music while helping our fellow Texans recover.