Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is hosting a 1-Hour CEU Hair Sheep Educational Program on Saturday, November 6, 2017 in Palestine beginning at 6:30 p.m.

RSVP by Noon on November 6th by calling Anderson County Extension Office at 903-723-3735.

Hair Sheep Farms in Anderson County range from 8-10 head, up to several thousand head. This program will be focusing on the St. Croix Breed.

Haired Sheep are small animals much like goats and sheep breeds that have wool.

Stocking rates are somewhere between 6-10 per acre depending on your pastures, brush, and browse.

The program will discuss the traits of the breed, what is needed to raise the breed, external parasites, and guard animals.

Speaker for this program will be Mr. Rob Bass, St. Croix Breeder of Anderson County. Rob travels across the State and Country speaking; and is currently serving as President of St. Croix International Association.

The program will be held at Ben E. Keith located at 2019 West Oak Street in Palestine.