The Peach is back!
With the assistance of Fairfield Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center, a festival of peaches is returning to the City of Fairfield after decades of absence.
The Fuzzy Peach Festival will debut on July 19-20, 2019.
“I still get calls about the [former] Peach Festival,” says Brenda Pate, Executive Director for the Chamber. “With the help of many organizations, we are working as a community to make this happen.”
For the past several years, the City of Fairfield has budgeted for a major festival. A peach festival was high on the list as the community voiced their wish for the return of this popular festival when responding to a community survey last Fall.

The Fuzzy Peach Festival 2019 will feature games, food, live music and vendors on the courthouse square in downtown Fairfield, Texas.
The event will coincide with the weekend of Fairfield Fest Downtown Market and Flea Market.
Local musician Lanky Moore will open the festival on that Friday evening. “Everyone is encouraged to bring a lawn chair and enjoy the music,” says Pate.
Throughout the next day, there will be a Color Run, Peach Cobbler, Ice Cream Eating contests, a Little Miss Peach pageant, and more. Live music is also in the works.
According to Pate, area churches and non-profits are being invited to host a kid’s game. And, the young entrepreneurs of Lemonade Day have been invited to set up a stand to serve peach-flavored lemonade.
Several downtown shops will be serving peach related food and drink for their customers.
T-shirts will be available, featuring a locally-designed logo. Stay tuned for details about pre-ordering.
Vendors who would like to set up shop on the square during the Fuzzy Peach Festival are encouraged to contact Amy Ralstin, coordinator for the Downtown Market. Ralstin may be reached at 903-391-0258.
If you would like to sponsor a kids game, or would like to assist with the Festival in any way, contact the Chamber office at 903-389-5792. Or, send an inquiry via email to
Be sure to spread the word that the Fuzzy Peach Festival will be coming to Fairfield. Make plans to come out July 19th & 20th to have a good time.