The 2020 Republican Primary is well underway with early voting ending February 28th. Freestone County has 15 voting precincts of which 14 will be open Election Day, Mar 3rd. I was unable to find help for Voting Precinct 12, Liberty, and therefore it is combined with Fairfield 1, Green Barn. Voting Precinct Chairs are elected by precinct voters each primary. The last several elections all Precinct Chairs were and are unopposed. The Precinct Chair serves on the Republican Executive Committee and are the Voting Precinct Judge. Each election judge is responsible for hiring the necessary clerks to operate the voting precinct.

The Republican Primary ballot also has 10 ballot propositions. These are an opinion survey and are not laws. The votes will be used in writing the Republican Platform.

The second part of the primary is the election of delegates to the County and State Republican Conventions. Resolutions for the Platform will be discussed and decisions made on whether to pass on to the State Convention or discard. The 2020 Voting Precinct conventions will be held on Mar 21 at 10:00 a.m. with the County Convention following at the conclusion of the Precinct conventions.

The Conventions will be held at Fairfield Library in Fairfield.
Please contact Doug Sanford, DVM for more information