Very cold temperatures are in the forecast later this week for Freestone County, Texas. Temperatures are expected into the teens and single digits Thursday through Saturday.

Be sure to take precautions to protect your loved ones.

–Protect Your Vehicle

Fill up your tank before the colder temperatures arrive.

Have extra supplies in the trunk (water, blankets, jumper cables, etc.)

–Protect Your Pets

Bring your pets inside or have a plan for your pets if you’re traveling.

If you’re cold, they’re cold!

–Protect Your Plants

Cover your plants before the cold weather arrives to help retain some heat.

Bring your sensitive plants indoors.

–Protect Your Home

Protect outdoor pipes.

Open sink cabinets to keep warmer air flowing and let indoor faucets drip.

–Protect People

Check in on neighbors and family members.

Make sure they’re aware and preparing!

Have extra blankets and jackets.

–Stay Up To Date!

Check in for the latest forecasts.

Make sure you are following a reliable source!

Source: U.S. National Weather Service – Fort Worth, Texas.