by Sheriff Jeremy Shipley


Freestone County Sheriff, Jeremy Shipley, shared on the Sheriff’s Office Facebook page about current trending scams.

He stated that many citizens are constantly sharing scams across social media unknowingly.

Sheriff Shipley asks citizens to do their research before sharing, as sharing false news and information keeps attention away from things that need immediate attention.

Be sure to double check things before automatically sharing or reposting to help cut down on the spread of scams and fraud on social media platforms.

How to Spot a Scam

Scams are usually worded in a way to pull at your heart strings, typically a post about a missing child, old person, or pet.

They tend to originate from a buy and sell or sketchy website. Be sure to look for official sources like police agencies.

If they don’t have a contact number or agency name for contacting or comments are turned off, it is most likely a scam.