We are beginning a Christian Intervention Program class at Apostolic Life UPC. This is a Spirit of Freedom Ministries counseling course designed to help the chemically dependent break free. The only cost is $30.00 which buys your book and other materials that you get to keep.

My burden to help comes from growing up in a home with an alcoholic father who never attended a recovery center. I still remember being so angry at my dad for the hurt it caused me and my family. My father’s addiction led to an abusive home along with a list of other issues. I had an older brother who also became an alcoholic. If you are addicted your children are at a higher risk of being addicted. The cycle of addiction has to stop somewhere.

We must realize that our actions affect or children and loved ones. If you are needing to break the chains of addiction take the first step to recovery and learn more about the ibogaine center.

For more information or to sign up today call Pastor Travis (903) 948-8992.