A summer kids’ event called Stellar VBS will be hosted at the First Baptist Church in Donie from Sunday, June 25 to Wednesday, June 28.

At Stellar, kids will discover how they can shine Jesus’ love and hope in everyday life! Kids will participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play team building games, eat yummy treats, and experience one-of-a-kind Bible Adventures.

In addition, they will collect Bible Buddies to remind them of Jesus’ light. Each day concludes with a Cosmic Closing that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned.

Stellar is for kids from Pre-K through the completion of the Fifth Grade and will run from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm each day. For more information, call the church office at 254-359-4332 or register online at Facebook.com/firstdonie.