Boys and Girls teams to advance to regions in Huntsville


By Rachel Reyes, Jordan Maciel, and Bailee Acreman – Eagle Beat
(photos by FHS senior Eagle Eye yearbook staff Maria Ixtlahuaca)


The cross country teams will advance to Region after placing first at the 3A District 20 meet today.

“I’m really proud because we’ve worked so hard,” freshman Madox Mitchael said. “I’m really proud of my team – both the boys and the girls – because we’ve been working so hard since June.”

FHS Eagles Cross Country Team

The boys results were freshman Eli Castillo 2nd with a time of 17:53, senior Landen Espinoza 6th, junior Devin Six 13th, junior Nicolas Salazar 17th, senior Eddie Sanchez 22nd, sophomore George Zimmerman 23rd, and freshman Samuel Webb-Rivera 33rd out of 41 runners.

“I feel good,” Castillo said. “I think we did a good job. We were better this year, and I think we’ll go far.”

The girls results were freshman Madox Mitchael 1st with a time of 12:55, junior Jarahle Daniels 3rd, freshman Emma Jo Smith 5th, sophomore Jacey Jones 8th, freshman Lillian McBean 10th, sophomore Arly Salazar 15th, and sophomore Emily Leatherman 17th out of 39 runners.

“I feel like this is such a great accomplishment to get to region,” Smith said, “especially since I didn’t get to run in the last meet.”

The pandemic has placed many restrictions on this cross country season. Some students were quarantined during part of the season. The team is limited to only going against a certain number of schools at a time rather than the usual 20 schools.

“I’m so proud of us for making it this far under these circumstances,” Jones said. “I’m excited to see how far we make it, and I’m hoping to medal in region and make it to state.

The course is three miles for the boys and two miles for the girls. On junior varsity, Michelle Castillo placed first and Ethan Walker placed fifth.

“If we’ve been running like we’ve been running, I think we’re going far as a team,” Daniels said. “We run for each other.”