by Billy Patterson

by Billy Patterson

A special men’s breakfast is planned this coming Saturday morning at the newly formed Faith Fellowship Baptist Church in Fairfield.

The men of FFBC will be preparing a full breakfast menu and are encouraging all men from Fairfield and the surrounding area to attend. The morning will begin at 7:00 am with the meal and a time of fellowship for those attending. A brief devotional by Brother Lonnie Elliott will follow with the event planned to end around 8:30 am.

“We’re excited about all the great things happening at Faith Fellowship,” Elliott stated. “We believe this will be a great opportunity for men of all ages to come together for a time of fellowship and prayer. If you know someone who may not be attending church somewhere, bring them with you as everyone is invited. We hope the response to this first event will lead to a monthly gathering.”

Faith Fellowship Baptist Church is located at 814 W. Interstate 45 in Fairfield in the old Marathon/Clariant building. For more information, please contact Lonnie Elliott at 903.388.5886.