By Billy Patterson

A new place of worship has opened its doors in Fairfield and the congregation is excited to invite everyone to visit.

This new congregation began when members from several area churches met on January 26th to see if there was enough interest to find a place to worship together as a new church family. When 34 individuals attended the first organizational meeting, it was obvious to those present that moving forward was desired by everyone.

A leadership team was formed and the first Sunday morning worship service was held three days later on January 29th with 51 in attendance.

Through the first six services, attendance has averaged 63 with the highest being 76. Sunday school attendance on March 5th saw 47 adults and kids participating with 71 attending the worship service.

Recently, those attending the church services were asked to submit a recommendation for the church’s official name. The top five names were presented to the charter members and Faith Fellowship Baptist Church was selected.

The members of FFBC recently elected a board of directors and elected members to serve on the church bylaws committee. Those important documents are nearing completion for the congregation to make comments and suggestions, followed by adoption of that document.

Regularly scheduled services are Sunday School classes at 9:45 am and the morning worship service begins at 10:45 am. A lite breakfast with coffee and orange juice is held prior to Sunday School. Wednesday night services begin at 6 pm with a lite meal provided and a devotional service beginning at 6:30 pm.

Faith Fellowship Baptist Church is currently holding their services at The Event Center in Fairfield, located at 626 East Main. For more information, contact Bud Black at 903.391.3680 or Billy Patterson at 903.388.9920.