School Board Appreciation Month 2021 was not forgotten during the Monday, January 11, 2021, Fairfield ISD School Board meeting.

Superintendent Dr. Jason Adams addressed the School Board and stated that, “On behalf of the district, our community, our kids, our staff, you know I want to express how much we appreciate y’all. It has been a very interesting year to say the least for someone in your position, and the things y’all have done to accommodate our kids and our staff and our district has been amazing.”

The meeting started a bit slow with a technical problem of a sort, the people who had applied to make public comments did not call in or were not able, but the board quickly picked up after that.

Deputy Superintendent Melissa Cox gave the annual Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR), which points out that Fairfield ISD has a Not Rated (Declared State of Disaster) instead of the expected accountability rating.

A report on Buyboard, a purchasing cooperative used by the district, was given for three contracts over $25,000.

–Custodial Services with SSC

–HVAC with Lochridge Priest

–Freezer Replacement with Supreme Fixture Company

The meeting continued with Arland Thill discussing E-Rate funding with the board to update the Wi-Fi infrastructure.

E-Rate is a program that offers discounts to school districts and libraries obtain affordable broadband(internet).

Dr. Adams was authorized to negotiate agreements of use for tower space, for the tower located on the new property.

A teacher’s probationary contract was terminated effective at the end of the year after discussion in executive meeting.

Dr. Adams explained in an email that, “A probationary contract can be terminated for any reason that is in the best interest of the district. The board’s decision on this type of contract cannot be appealed.”

Other things covered during the meeting:

–Enrollment is at 1,654

–Filing for the FISD board began Wednesday, January 13, 2021; information is available at the FISD Administration Building

–Bi-County Co-Op contracts were approved for Director and Assistant Director