Fairfield ISD Board of Directors reviewed and updated the School Tax Rate and made various changes to the employee and student handbooks, among other things, during a regularly scheduled meeting on August 9, 2016.

Due to lower tax values and ongoing litigation for Luminant, the school board believes they will not meet the total estimated tax revenue that is needed in order to run this year’s budget.

Last year’s tax rate was set at 1.13667%, and board members unanimously agreed to raise the rate to 1.43% to help cover the difference.

In addition to some standard wording updates (as mandatory from the state) to the employee and student handbooks, board members voted to renew a contract with WB Computer for IT services.

Also at this meeting, Superintendent Rick Edwards explained to the board his desire to look into possibly changing the district to a District of Innovation.

According to commercial litigation attorney, Sidley Austin, the District of Innovation concept, passed by the 84th Legislative Session in House Bill 1842, gives traditional independent school districts most of the flexibilities available to Texas’ open-enrollment charter schools.

Potential benefits of becoming a District of Innovation include: Local control – districts decide which flexibilities best suit their local needs; Customization – districts can create an innovation plan for a level of school (e.g., only high schools), grade level, or a single campus; Autonomy – districts must submit a district of innovation plan to the commissioner of education, but approval is not required; and Flexibility – districts will have the flexibility to implement practices similar to charter schools, including exemptions from mandates such as: school start date, 90% attendance rule, class-size ratios, site-based decision-making processes, certain student discipline provisions, use of planning and preparation periods, and teacher appraisal requirements.

“There are many benefits in having this type of district,” explained Edwards. “But we need to vote on this now, because legislature plans to change local control in the spring. We need to get in now and take back our control from the state.”

Edwards also gave an update on changes and remodeling going on district wide at the various campuses. On that list are:

–The new board room at the Admin building is being greatly utilized. Only thing left to do to finish up the Administration building is to complete the ladies’ room.

–Track and field update will be worked on again starting September 24th in order to not interfere with athletic and band schedules.

–The High School math wing awning and drain pipes have been cleaned and will be cleaned on an annual basis from this point forward to avoid any future flooding in that area.

–The Elementary School office has had all carpet removed and replaced with tile.

–Rain water drainage and damage has been repaired at the Elementary School.

–Panic locks and buttons have been installed at both the Elementary and Intermediate Schools.

–Blinds have been added to windows in the Intermediate Cafetorium to help with energy costs.

–Damaged blinds have been replaced throughout the High School.

–A non-slip floor has been added to the High School’s greenhouse to prevent accidents.

–Junior High building has had floor and walls painted.

“I want to say how much we appreciate Cecelia Sweeney (Cece) and the entire Maintenance Crew for FISD,” says Edwards. “They have really worked their tails off this summer with all these updates that were done in addition to the normal summer maintenance.”

To keep up with the Fairfield ISD School Board and meetings, go to www.fairfieldisd.net and click on the ‘School Board’ tab. There you can find agendas and schedules for future meetings, as well as minutes for previous meetings.

Nicole Schaefer reporting