dōTERRA® with Diana McGarry is the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce October Business of the Month.
After the suggestion to try oils to stop her watery eyes, she decided to go ahead and try, “They were a life saver,” she said after being asked how they worked.
Several months later she left her landscaping business and picked up the dōTERRA® business and she happily announces that she is, “crazy about the oils.”
She loves the freedoms her dōTERRA® offers her, as she can do business from anywhere and at anytime, and “it is just exciting,” she says.
She has plans to set up classes at the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce to introduce people to the oils.
She can be reached at 903-391-8654 with all your dōTERRA® needs and questions, and online at https://www.doterra.com/US/en/site/ddmcgarry