Fairfield Faith Academy (FFA), located at First Baptist Church of Fairfield (FBC), offers families another option for education; Christian Based Learning.
Julie Steward – President and Jessica Henderson – Vice-President founded the Academy because, “We started because there is a need for a Christian education in Freestone County.”
Focus is also given to an expectation of kids being kids, meaning summers are longer and very little homework is given.
That does not mean the children get to go easy during class. Students are pushed hard to learn core subjects and more.
The Non-Denominational Christian education includes chapel every Friday, and mornings that start with a bible study class.
Education is taught from the Christian worldview and all lessons are fully integrated with the bibles teachings.
A Christian worldview means that the infallible word of God is the foundation for all things. For example, Creationism is taught.

FBC allows use of their facilities, and the staff members come from over five different local churches.
This school year Faith Academy has added three new teachers:
–Johnny Veretto – Social Studies and Science Classes
–Lola Gallardo – Spanish 5th grade and up
–Jason Schick – Math
Along with Sandra McAdams and Amber Weitner they have five teachers for fifteen students, which is an increase from the nine students they originally began with.
They offer a variety of elective studies: P.E., Music, Art, Tech, and, new this year, Spanish.
Golf takes place during the spring semester, and cross country will be new to the students for the upcoming school year.
Because this is a religious, private school, the Attorney General does not require them to follow the same mandates that public schools must follow to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.
As such, FFA has opted to allow families to decide for themselves if a child should wear a mask or not.
The school is ran by a seven member board:
–Julie Steward – President
–Jessica Henderson – Vice-President
–Jane Phillips – Treasurer
–Tony Adkins – Assistant Treasurer
–Leon Thomas – Secretary
Henderson explains that, “K through 12 is our long-term goal; we add a grade every year as they age up.”
For more information visit their website at fafreestone.org/ or send an email to info@fafreestone.org and you can call them at 903-389-2662.