Dear Editor,

Those of us who can remember clearly the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, can cheerfully recall that the lunatic fringe of the democratic party, mostly ignorant young people, organized a time of riots and chaos in the streets and attempted to do the same inside the convention hall. It was wild, sometimes violent, and very disruptive.

The Chicago police were lukewarm in their response, and the riotous behavior was widely televised. It destroyed any chance of responsible, thinking Americans taking seriously a democratic nominee as President of the United Sates. Richard Nixon coasted to victory as the democrats imploded.

Watch for the (not) instant replay of that same storm this time around when the dems convene again in Chicago. The current riotous, illegal anarchy sweeping college campuses is symptomatic of what ails the once great Democratic Party: illogical platforms, unworkable programs, an almost total takeover by the ultra-left wing, social disintegration, and a party leadership asleep at the wheel. Except, the party leadership is not actually asleep; they consciously act timidly, afraid to offend the lunatic party minority by showing strength and leadership, qualities that are transparently absent in Biden/Harris.

The anti-Israel “protesters” are woefully ignorant of reality on the ground in Gaza. The poor Palestinian people are not supporters but victims of Hamas, a genuinely terrorist organization. They have been used as human shields in battle by Hamas. The foolish individuals taking over campus buildings are merely useful idiots to a failed cause; a large percentage of them are not students but political radicals. They are organized and financed. By whom?​

Responsible American voters can only hope and wait for the replay of the 1968 meltdown of a failed political system currently run by incompetent political hacks. Let us pray so.

God bless America

El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas