Dear Editor,


RE: FLSP TI VIDEO (07/27/23)


The recent press attention featuring the Todd Interests-produced video celebrating the destruction of Fairfield Lake State Park, has this reader wondering when sadism and trolling became acceptable public relations.


Dallas developer Shawn Todd toots his own horn a lot. Most recently proclaiming himself as a “preservationist and conservationist” while simultaneously using heavy equipment to carve up 2022’s State Park of the Year. In previous press he describes his business practices from a biblical standpoint while somehow justifying purchasing a beloved asset of the citizens of Texas for his own private gain. Seems hardly the efforts of a man guided by higher moral principles.


This video with its upbeat music and quick pace belies the obvious: a vengeful, small man who in Solomon’s judgment will take what he can regardless of consequences. How long can Todd’s peers in the vast real estate ecosystem in Texas ignore the consequences of this moral malpractice? As a beloved park is destroyed for some uncertain gain — an albatross dwells on the necks of an industry, and it brings shame to the insiders that continue to ignore such an unpopular path in the name of one man’s avarice.


Martin Iles

Bolivar, Texas


Video may be viewed online here.