Dear Editor,

As much as I would like to attack those who attempt to slander my name and position, I shall not. This is not about me, this is about our city.
I am saddened by those who scheme and manipulate only to hurt and seek to destroy our town. I am saddened that the devil has grabbed a hold of Fairfield and we’re allowing it.
Every day our city awakens to a new battle. We are pouring thousands of dollars out in attorney fees with no end in sight. That money could be used for the betterment of Fairfield’s infrastructure.
Making Fairfield a place that we can have a great pride in, and shouldn’t be this hard.
Consider for a moment, if you will, if these “passionate” citizens made an effort to build-up Fairfield instead of destroying it; to be problem solvers, not problem seekers; to act in compassion and not hate.
I encourage each and every citizen, whether you are in the city limits, or not, to exercise your freedoms, do your due diligence, ask questions to the proper authority, and please, keep in mind that Facebook post and “Letters to the Editor,” attached to personal agendas, are not vetted for truthfulness and honesty.
If you’d like to visit with me, my door is always open or you can reach me at 903-879-1959. And remember, we don’t have to always agree on everything, but when we do disagree, we can use that opportunity to work together and explore other options.

Mayor Kenneth Hughes
Fairfield, Texas