Dear Editor,

The Final Stretch or Between a Rock & A Hard Place?

It’s less than two months until the determination the direction the country will take for the next four years, and our senses are understandably sharpened by the stridently opposite views of the two candidates. They should be. This election is as important, and maybe more so, than any since Franklin Roosevelt came into office in 1933 on his promise to save the nation from the status quo of the Great Depression.
There is a danger in superimposing simplistic solutions onto complex problems, but sometimes simplicity is good. It usually is. Our economic status quo is crippling us.
Eight years ago Hillary had the massive power of the Democratic fat cats behind her, a large political organization, three times the financial war chest of her only democratic rival for the nomination. Out of nowhere, Obama came with no resume, little funding, no agenda or policy (except “change”), no policy for either domestic or foreign affairs except empty rhetoric and catch phrases.
He beat her and threw her a bone: Secretary of State. She failed at that obviously. This woman is a political insider, financially corrupt beyond doubt, a proven liar and perjurer, and a professional politician promising to “continue Obama’s legacy.” Wow. That legacy is proven to be a stagnant economy, failed domestic programs (ObamaCare), leaderless foreign policy, etc.
Mr. Trump is certainly no angel. He has warts – lots of them. But he is honest. He doesn’t lie. He can’t be bought by Wall Street or some foreign-funded foundation.
Trump has proven that he has great executive management skills to get things done. He will act to make America a place again where hard-working, middle-class people can make a life for their children better than the life they had.
Patriotic Americans can help by choosing him in November.

El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas