Dear Editor,

We are going through such perilous times in our country! I am so thankful to have lived in the greatest country in the world! I think we are on the verge of losing the very core of our freedoms and most of the things our families have worked for, for generations! Morals, responsibility, hard work and common sense are gone! I pray everyone will research, vet candidates and VOTE! What you hear may sound good, however you must do homework on each and check their voting records if they have one. For some, it’s not what they have done, but what they didn’t do! We don’t realize what we have until it is gone!
I am blessed to be a member of The Fairfield Harmony Presbyterian Church, a very loving, inspiring and family-oriented church! I thank the Lord for the freedom of religion and the privilege of being a member of this awesome church! A Sunday sermon by Tom Prentice is great motivation to start a new week! Please join us. Let’s all pray that we can restore morals, respect and bring our country back!

Karen Albright
Fairfield, Texas

Editor’s Note: This letter was previously printed in 2016 and is being reprinted per request.