Dear Editor,

Recently, I read where Waco, Texas had a major power outage and how the men and women charged with restoring the power were working hard and fast to repair the damage.

That night, as I placed my head on my pillow, I was thinking of how difficult a job this is and how grateful I am to have a pillow to rest my head on and to not have to be in the weather that probably caused the outage, in the first place. Also, it is not lost on me that when not restoring power, there is the serious business of maintaining any infrastructure. These men and women are the most intelligent among us, the most logical and sadly, the most unappreciated.

That led me to remember all the other challenging work needed to operate a functioning and comfortable society.

So, today, I want to take this opportunity to thank the men and women who hold these positions and respect those trusted positions with which they hold.

Each of you are in our family’s and friend’s prayers.

Thank you!
Ruth Noyes
Fairfield, Texas