Dear Editor,

Since October 17, 2019, it has been necessary for me to visit the ER at Freestone Medical Center four times. The first time I had had a stroke. The doctor and nurses on duty that morning cared for me efficiently and quickly determined that I needed to be transported to another location. They kept me stable until care flight arrived and transported me. I was care flighted to Baylor in Dallas where I stayed for five days. Happily I can report no lasting effects from the stroke and I am 100% sure that it is due to having our hospital ER here in Fairfield. I believe that was because of the quick response of all those on duty in the ER that morning. I am not sure the outcome would have been so good if we had to travel to another town. It was truly a life or death situation.
These four visits for myself are not the only times we have used the ER. My husband has had many visits (when you have cattle, accidents happen). We used the ER many times with our elderly mothers both of which are deceased now. Not only did we use the ER, they both had many stays in the hospital. This certainly made it easier for us to see to their needs since they were close to home.
Our hospital taxes are MINIMAL compared to the benefit of having our ER. I cannot imagine not having our ER, hospital and clinic. Just imagine if it were your family member or friend that needed immediate emergency medical attention and there was no emergency facility close by. Please make it a priority to vote AGAINST the proposition to roll back the taxes to fund these three entities.
Thank you in advance.

Kathy Beaver
Fairfield, Texas