Letter to the Editor of Texas Press Association.


Dear Editor,


My name is Dustin Carpenter. Today I would love to speak on one of our communities’ touchiest subjects:   Eminent Domain.

What a subject it is.

I would first like to bring the topic of landownership into this matter.

I have personally been on family land my entire life; I would dislike the thought of losing it to Eminent Domain just like any other individual would. However, this isn’t about my land or yours or your family’s land, this is about the “little guy’s win.”

The little guys get to keep taking the family to the reunion or the family vacation or even that big Bass Tournament.

Nonetheless, landowners do NOT like this term.

Now, as some of the landowners know that now more than ever that we have an opportunity to redefine the use and reasoning behind this term, Eminent Domain. As it appears we have a double-bladed sword under all of us over shark infested waters, and after only 6 months, a flip with local leaders on the subject.

How will that register with us “local little guys” who were backed by our LOCAL leaders and now after hearing “20 million in tax revenues, Sold!!..”

What is the gain now of losing our precious State Park over 20 million in tax rev’s….

Frankly, being a Freestone resident the entirety of my life and a member of the State Parks year-round pass for the past few years has only wanted to make sure that our “Little Future’s Generations” will have the same opportunity.

For fifty years our State has had this land doing what most couldn’t, preserving it. Spending all amounts of money possible with a “shoestring budget” the State has done everything in its power to maintain and improve its parks.

I believe that we can agree with that.

I understand that this is my “Letter to the Editor” but nonetheless this was accomplished by the unity of many.

Many have voiced and signed and sent letters, I pray it continues just to show the force of Nature in all our lives. Showing that the needs of many outweigh the wants and desires of few.

Let this be an eye opener that development of “Sanctuaries’” just to comfort the wealthy is not so neighborly.

And yet to get National attention, and I stress yet, this will be in the eyes of all who want to enjoy the State parks, those who want to back the conservation of land for future generations, those who want a win as the “little guys” without the powers at be striking down the very same agenda they supported months ago.

Now that the “Sunset” on yesterday has brought this beautiful day upon us all, we can calmly say, Thank You, for understanding that the little guys needed this win to Illuminate just how serious this is. To save land for the future shows just how far that the Little Guys will go.

Referring to the 20 mil in revs’ goes without saying that that amount of revenue will always boost the local economy and that land preservation is worth so much more than that. This is only the beginning, as more and more citizens are educating themselves with what’s really going on.

I am a top-tier student in 3 Universities currently, only trying to educate myself more than what the local community could offer. It’s not their fault, those old deep pockets are not for self-service anymore but for the entirety of all the people. I guarantee that there will be more to come and spoken of.





Dustin Carpenter 23’

Teague, Texas