Dear Editor,

In an earlier, less conflicted, era, the deliberate dissemination of half-truths, spinned stories, and slanted news was called what it was: Propaganda. Today this sadly passes for news – TV ads and commercials, newspapers, magazines, etc. We are daily bombarded with images and words that are patently false and are part of ultra-left progressives’ program of remaking American society from what has made us great and exceptional into a fantasy metaverse devoid of rational thinking: we value work as a virtue instead of entitlement, citizenship, instead of victimhood , merit instead of inclusion,, sex/gender by biology instead of choice. . . the list of lunatic planks in their platform is too vast to catalog here.
The following are eight simple questions for honest Americans to ponder. The correct answers prove the dishonesty of the woke media messages. These figures are from a national poll by YouGov.
What percentage of Americans are black? – 17%. Network commercials and sit-coms suggest the number is 50%.
What percentages of marriages are mixed-race? — Poll says 19%; actual percentage is 1%.
How many families make $500,000 a year? Poll answers: 22%; actual figure is 1%
What percentage of population is Hispanic? Poll: 39%. Actual is 17%.
What percentage of Americans are vegetarians? Poll: 25%; actual, 5%
What percentage of Americans live in N.Y. City? Poll: 16%; actual is 3%.
What percentage of Americans “identify” as transgender? Poll: 19%. Accurate figure is 0.5% – HALF OF ONE PERCENT!
What are you personally willing to do to counter this “Alice in Wonderland” world that the Left is selling: pure social engineering?
I am 86 this year and unapologetic about cherishing a restoration of a value-centered, logic-based, Norman Rockwell America (w/o Jim Crow) instead of the unworkable socialist fantasy world our political opponents work so hard to force on us.
God bless America!

El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas