Dear Editor,

Americans are now indeed between a rock and a hard place after yesterday’s New Hampshire win by Donald Trump. It’s almost inconceivable that a nation so advanced as ours has devolved into the choices we face for leadership of the world’s only superpower. I had hoped for a winning or at least a better showing by Nickki Haley so that voters might have a more rational choice; this might still be possible since the infighting can get nasty at the Republican National Convention to formalize the GOP presidential candidate.

If Mr. Biden can survive forced early retirement by evading criminal complicity with Hunter Biden, appalling poll numbers, a pitiful record of timidity and political blunders, a patently obvious senility, and pressure from sensible democratic party leaders, he will be their candidate this fall. He is the “rock” in this analogy.

The “hard place” is the steamroller campaign for Trump that, barring some unforeseen event, will put up against Biden. I shudder at which choice voters might take. I voted twice for Trump since the alternative was/remains grim: Hillary then, and More Biden/Harris next. Where are the Lincolns, Trumans, T.R. Roosevelts, Reagans in this current political landscape? Having been a super rich TV celebrity is no more qualifying for the Oval Office than Biden’s criteria for choosing Kamala Harris because of her gender and color. I would vote for Homer Simpson if the alternative were Biden/Harris.

My fervent hope is that the Republican convention will see the long game prevail with a candidate who can lead our country out of the ditch that leftist, woke, un-American “elitists” have got us stuck in today. Hopefully a rational voice like Haley, Tim Scott, Mark Rubio, et al will be heard. I am fearful of a Trump presidency for what might happen. I am horrified of what will surely happen if Biden/Harris win: the continued slide into European socialism, international weakness, appeasement for foreign policy, and bigger government. God help us, and

God Bless America!

El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas