Dear Editor,

It was four years following the 1783 victory at Yorktown and the founding of the United States that Benjamin walked from Independence Hall in Philadelphia to see a waiting crowd. They had gathered in the street to learn of the Continental Congress’ decision about a “constitution” for their new country. Upon being asked what kind of government the people were going to have, Franklin answered “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

In spite of many misguided attempts to derail it, America has survived. Except for the Civil War, no greater danger than today’s internal threat has so divided our nation. I have no delusions about Republican purity: politics is by its nature a sordid business. Scoundrels occupy both sides of the political aisle. One side, however, appears today to be corrosive to all the old American values I grew up with and which necessarily form my worldview of reality. The artificial “metaverse” which leftist wish for is as alien to me (and to most Americans) as scientology, as socialism which has never worked [see California].

Despite liberal hype, I can plainly see what is right in front of me: a willful leftist push, led by media, academia, and politicians to dismantle the Norman Rockwell America most of us still want. That 1950’s America included Jim Crow inequities; those have been eliminated today: black senators, generals, sheriffs, governors, U.S. Supreme Court justices, a black President, etc. Promoting a guilt trip on 21st century white citizens for the sins of their great-grandfathers is simply as wrong as renaming military bases and sports teams so as to salve feelings, much less spray-painting the Washington Monument and pulling down statues of Thomas Jefferson.

I genuinely hope that the GOP will nominate someone other than Trump and that he will go away and not screw up the election with a third party effort; the latter would hand the election next year to “woke” mob, continuing the ruinous, suicidal path we suffer today.
Suicide can be effected many ways; one of them is by legislation [see California]. We can’t let that happen to our whole country; if so, the only salvation could be a military coup.

God bless America!

El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas