COVID-19 testing can be a bit confusing for some, but thankfully Nikki Hagen, RN, BSN the Chief Nursing Officer of Freestone Medical Center shed some light on the testing process.

Remember, always call first if you believe you might have COVID-19 or if you display the symptoms. For more information, contact Freestone Medical Center at 903-389-2181.

Freestone Medical Center is handling respiratory cases in the Gold Clinic building next-door temporarily to help protect their patients.

First Step – Screening

Consistency is important in screenings, so a series of questions are asked:

–Have you traveled outside the United States in the past 30 days?

–Have you been directly exposed to anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 30 days?

–Have you had shortness of breath, fever above 100.0F or a cough in the last 24 hours?

After answering these questions, a physical assessment by the practitioner and a call to the State Epidemiologist appropriate testing can be determined.

Second Step – Testing

Test results are now coming back in two to three days on average, as opposed to the ten to twelve it took in the beginning.

They were offered the machine that handles much faster testing, but the items necessary to perform the necessary specimen collection are not currently available.

While the patient waits on their test results, they are self-quarantined at home (assuming they do not need hospitalization).

The Clinic will collect necessary information so that they can call the patient and check in on how they, and others in the home, are doing.

Third Step – Positive Results

The laboratory will notify the Texas State Department of Health that they have received a positive test.

The state will make contact with the patient and gather all necessary information. This includes who they could have potentially exposed.

Mobile Testing

Freestone County had a mobile test collection this past Sunday, April 26, 2020, conducted by State agencies, to screen for possible COVID-19 cases.

An initial screening was handled over the phone before a person was allowed to make an appointment.

The number of test conducted is unofficially around 40. Results are pending.