We just want to give God praise through the many battles and changes in our community during this pandemic, which God is still moving mightily.
We have a good report from our Community Food Bank for the month of March, and we have witnessed extraordinary things happen, as this great community all pulling together to help one another wit grains, vegetables, caned good like tuna recipe and more.
This started on March 15th, when we attended a conference call from Austin stating that we would not be able to receive any semi-trucks of food due to Covid-19.
But, amazingly, during this week, we were surprised with two semi-trucks that were able to come to our food bank, one truck was a load of chocolate candy and the other was a semi load and a half of produce, meat and bread. We were able to take care of our regular and senior clients, not only in a regular way, but also over and in abundance during this time.
A very special thank you to the First United Methodist Church delivery and sorting teams in Fairfield that took care of an amazing 120 homebound families across Freestone County, and also a special thanks to the United Methodist Church Community Care Club in Streetman that has been helping us prepare sacks for our seniors for over 10 years.
Pastor Smith stated that he was amazed with the volunteers that consisted of school teachers, coaches, business owners, students, pastors and pastors’ wives. It was heartwarming when Pastor Smith walked in the warehouse at the busiest time during this emergency relief, that was needed during our senior week.
We saw approximately 50 volunteers help us feed over 1800 people in three days including a Friday evening emergency food giveaway handing out over 8,000 lbs of chicken for families in need of meat.
Between the Tuesday, Wednesday, and emergency giveaway on Friday we were able to bless over 300 cars full of families including the 120 homebound families we deliver to.
We know that this would not have been possible without God’s hand and this great community pulling together!
Join River of Life Family Worship for our special Easter Drive-In Service this Sunday, April 12, 2020.