Looking for something fun to do, but still keep your family safe from COVID-19?

Making the Drag Night is this Saturday, October 10, 2020 hosted by Teague Christmas In The Park.

So, here’s what you do to enjoy this great night. Get with your family, friends, or whoever you wish and decorate your vehicle.

Next you just all get in and go make the drag on Main St, you can enter into the decorating contest or just jam out to the custom FM radio station featuring throwback music and special announcements.

Pharmacy Plus will have a Hot Dog Fundraiser drive thru in their parking lot benefitting Teague Christmas in the Park.

$5 dollars gets you your hotdog plate, complete with a bag of chips and a drink.

If you don’t want to drive, you can bring out a lawn chair and sit and watch the fun and excitement of all the cars making that drag.

They are holding this fundraiser due to the limitations on fundraisers they have faced due to COVID-19 restrictions this year.
This money will go towards the maintenance of the Christmas in the Park decorations and other associated fees.

If anyone wants to make a sizable donation, they can give a donation receipt for tax purposes.

Contact facebook.com/teaguechristmasinthepark for more information or any questions.