Voices for Children - Casa of Brazos County is having a clothing drive so that each child may have two new outfits when they start school next year.

If you do not know, a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) is a person who advocates for a child who was removed from their home and placed into the foster care system. They are essentially, an adult voice solely for the child’s interest.

The Brazos County Casa represents Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Freestone, Limestone, Leon, and Madison counties.

Therefore, you would not only be providing clothing to a child, you would be helping a child who is going through the foster system.

The seven county region currently has 291 children in the system, and 70 of those children have not had anyone sign up to be their shopper as of yet.

If, by chance, more clothes are received than there are children, they will share the clothing with the siblings of the Casa children.

If you want to help more, donations of school supplies, shoes, lunch boxes, backpacks, and much more are accepted.

For those who are not ready or are unable to get out to shop, gift cards and monetary donations are accepted if mailed to: Voices for Children, 115 N Main Street Bryan, Texas, 77803.
Visit vfcbrazos.org/event/shop-for-casa/ for more information or if you are ready to help fill out this form: https://forms.gle/PN3gRU5XWhQ21WUd7