It felt good last week, informing seven individuals in the community that they had been nominated as a Hometown Hero. Most were excited, and many surprised, at the news.

“I don’t see what I do as special,” said one.

Yet, sometimes the smallest gestures make the biggest impact.

An encouraging smile, or a kind word, can be exactly what a person needs to keep going that day.

With all the conspiracy theories floating around, the divisive political rhetoric, and incessant complaints about the governmental response to the coronavirus pandemic – national, state and local – taking a moment to recognize good people, doing good things in our community, is a refreshing change.

As the local economy slowed down this Spring for all but essential business, I found myself spending a little more time at home. Instead of cleaning the house (my least favorite job), I joined a few online workshops.

One week’s homework was to put on a white board as many names as we could remember of people who helped or encouraged us.

Family came to mind first, then friends and co-workers, teachers, pastors, even a much-loved pet.

Writing one down reminded me of another person, and then another; and when our time was up, I was amazed at how many people I had written on my board.

I remembered Janie buying me a hat when I went bald with chemo.

My dog Tator, who road shotgun in my blue Mustang, and would nap with me for as long as it took, after I had pulled an all-nighter on Press Day.

A boyfriend in Kindergarten, Robert, who helped me find the other half of a seashell that I had broken by holding it too tight (I didn’t want to lose it on the way home).

And, lunchtime conversations with Chris, when we would solve the problems of the world, “if only we were in charge!”

Remembering all these people, and all these acts of kindness and encouragement, made me feel loved and supported.

Our community is full of good people, doing good things. It is one of the best things about living in Freestone County, Texas.

Let’s continue to recognize the people around us – every day – the ones who encourage and love on us.

They are – all of them – truly essential and very much appreciated.