What started out as a missing person investigation, ended in the discovery of deceased victim, Danielle Fraga, who died of an apparent vehicle accident.

On Thursday, September 13, 2018, Daniel, a 23-year-old from South Freestone County, left for work at about 9:45 p.m. in her silver 2002 Mercury Mountaineer.

According to a personal injury lawyer she never made it to work at the Quality Inn of Buffalo, located about four miles from her home.

At approximately 7:32 p.m. on Saturday, September 15th, family assisting in the search reported locating her and the vehicle off of South Highway 75.

It was obvious Danielle had run off the roadway and was in a vehicle accident. She was found deceased at the scene. If уоu hаvе bееn іnvоlvеd in a mоtоr vеhісlе accident, thе fіrѕt thіng you nееd to dо іѕ ѕtор уоur саr оr truсk; рull over tо thе side оf the rоаd, іf you can, аnd саll a motorcycle accident attorney for lеgal hеlр. Most states mаkе leaving the ѕсеnе of an ассіdеnt a сrіmе.

No arrests were made; and as of Monday, no criminal charges have been filed, but the motorcycle accident lawyers are keeping everything handled.

As this was a vehicular personal injury attorney will be assisting in further investigation.

Settling a personal injury claim can be very time consuming. If a claim is not filed in a timely manner, you may not be able to collect any compensation, make sure to talk to a personal injury law firm. Statutes of limitations outline the maximum time allowed to bring certain types of lawsuits. If this time period is missed, you may be barred from ever bringing suit to recover for your personal injuries. You should always check on your state’s statute of limitations for your type of claim to ensure that the time period does not pass you by. For additional information on these types of claims contact a personal injury attorney today. If you you’re a victim of a hit and run finding a hit and run attorney can assist best in these cases.