The Jonathan Hardin Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution met on Wednesday, October 12 at the Gibbs Memorial Library in Mexia, Texas. Two new members, Vicky Cheek and Sonia Maness, were inducted by Chapter Chaplain Felicia Hancock. Chapter Regent Diane Pullin read the President General’s message and discussed several upcoming chapter events.

Immediate Past Chapter Regent Nancy McSwane was recognized as our newest Honorary Chapter Regent and was presented with a pin by current Chapter Regent Diane Pullin. Several committee chairs gave their reports including a report on the origins of the U.S. flag by Joan Marsh who was wearing colonial period costume.

The chapter was then treated to a presentation on “American Heritage Through Quilting.” The history of and methods of how various types of quilts are made were presented by two excellent award-winning local quilters – chapter member Cynthia Allen and Rhonda Lawton. Many examples of these ladies’ quilts were displayed and discussed. The designs were beautiful, colorful, and intricate. Some had special meanings to the quilters.

One of the upcoming chapter events is the Veterans Luncheon to be held on Wednesday, November 9 at the First Baptist Church Family Life Center in Teague at 10:30 AM. The speaker will be Ron Lyles from Operation Finally Home. This event is free to all Freestone and Limestone County veterans – veterans just need to RSVP by November 4 at: 903-388-7056 or

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:00 p.m.

Julia Morton reporting.