Face Protection Mask help stop the spread of COVID-19, according to the newest studies by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).  People who show no symptoms (asymptomatic) can spread the virus, and others can transmit it before developing symptoms. The modus operandi is rather strikingly similar: a likely COVID19 patient is called a ‘suspect’; on that suspicion s/he is put under quarantine which can be similar to ‘house arrest’; investigations begin to trace the source of his/her ‘infection’ (crime?) and to collate the information about all his/her ‘contacts’ or the persons s/he was last seen with; if a patient is found in a larger society building the whole building is immediately ‘sealed’ meaning no person can either leave or enter the premises. Let the similarity end there. The essential point worldwide is that the authorities have no other alternative to effectively control the virus, and so nothing in that should imply a crime of any sort. People know and understand this, but act differently when it happens near or threatens to happen near him/her. Therefore at this crucial juncture we all humans must come together. Social distancing does not mean emotional distancing and so we must all reduce the emotional distance, globally. And of course, we must all consider COVID19 as just a disease, and never as some sort of deliberate or a criminal act or a stigma. Instead, we have to be compassionate towards all patients-be it in the family or in the neighborhood or in the city or in the country or in the world, and take great solace in the fact that only 5% of the total infected face serious complications, as per the present data. Lastly, mistakes are always human; we must not blame a full community for the mistakes of a few members; and guard against spreading any kind of hatred. This means it is even easier for the virus to spread, especially in places where maintaining social distancing is difficult (grocery stores and such.) In light of this discovery, the CDC is recommending best respirator mask for smoke to help slow the spread.Cloth facemasks are not to replace the six foot social distancing guidelines, and most be used properly in order to work. You can check face shield in stock and ready to ship.

A cloth facemask can easily made by folding a square handkerchief, or material of similar size. 

While you can use other things, a handkerchief is the right shape and size to fold. 

To make a no-sew mask at home:

–Fold it to the middle from the bottom.

–Fold it to the middle from the top.

–Fold it again to the middle from the bottom and again from the top.

–Take two rubber bands, and put one around each side of the folded cloth.

–Then you fold either side to the middle. 

The CDC has a YouTube channel ‘Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’ with a video titled “How to Make Your own Face Covering” where the Surgeon General shows exactly how to fold your mask.  Most people have this question on their minds because of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Do antiviral face masks keep your healthy? In this article, we are going to answer this question from different perspectives. According to the best evidence available, if you are sick, you can protect others from getting sick by wearing a mask. Similarly, if you are around sick people, you can protect yourself from the virus. However, keep in mind that these masks can’t offer 100% protection against viral infections. By the end of 1800s, surgical masks, aka courtesy masks, became quite common for doctors to use in the operating rooms. Their popularly was sky high in the beginning of 1918 during the influenza pandemic that took the life of over 50 million people over a course of three years.

The author has been researching what is happening in the churches throughout Italy; however, there is much more information available about soccer games and the survival of the economy, which seems to be the main focus right now. For instance, in the news one finds much information about saving the reputation of ‘Made in Italy’, so low-level employees are forced to work even harder than before as they hope other countries will continue to demand their products in times of trouble. A company which had had to quit producing medical face masks for fifteen years (due to Chinese competition), suddenly had to reopen its doors to help meet the needs of the Italian population that did not have enough masks to protect citizens from COVID-19. 

Many people are also making masks to sale and share with the public.

These do not replace a surgical mask or a N-95 respirator, which are needed by medical staff and emergency personal.  

Remember, a virus might be tiny by itself, but it lives inside a cough/sneeze droplet, which is what the masks are intended to catch.    Proper use is crucial. 

Put on your clean mask with clean hands; make sure your face and nose are fully covered.

  To remove, hook a single finger around a piece of elastic by your ear and pull mask off. 

WASH and DRY your mask in the washer and drier after every use. 

Soap and Heat are necessary to kill any form of germ. 

Let’s help keep Freestone County healthy by following this additional guideline.