Dear Editor,


The hypothetical question is: “What if viewing the 5:30 network news one day you saw the live telecast of the current political leaders (democrats) retiring from their offices effective immediately with pensions and personal safety assured, the installation of a provisional administration to be replaced within 90 days by qualified voters with the armed forces in total support of the new civilian administration, would you support the new government?”

Some may fear that Pandora’s Box would be opened, but it has already been opened by salaried-for-life, self-serving politicians with their legal but wrongful legislation: e.g., a wrecked economy, porous borders, social engineering, failed public education, a dangerously weakened military, a ballooning welfare state, the denigration of work and traditional family life. The congress passes laws for us but which do not apply to them, the franchise for residents instead of qualified citizens (currently an 18-year old high school dropout’s vote will cancel that of a mature productive citizen). At 18, a boy’s prefrontal cortex wherein judgement is formed in the brain has not remotely matured for making good decisions

Our constitutional system has been corrupted by socialist “woke” politicians who promote government as the big tit that births you, feeds you, educates you, houses you, medicates you, and finally buries you. These are NOT the functions or the responsibilities of government.

Most people are honest; they voice their principles, but they vote their interests. Most college-aged kids will no more vote to stop Biden’s debt forgiveness plan than congressmen will vote to end their salaried lifetime benefits. Our unique federal system in America is, hopefully, only temporarily damaged by the leftist cancer. Cancer cannot be successfully treated with aspirin; like gangrene, it must be removed.

Again hypothetically speaking, would you support such an administration?

God bless America.


El Sellers

Fairfield, Texas