Our Annual Small Grain Field Day will be held on Thursday April 20th near McGregor, TX.  There are 11 Hard Red Winter Wheat varieties planted in a side-by-side demonstration located off Smith Road, which is about halfway between Waco and McGregor, on the north side of the road. We will have Extension signs out on Hwy. 84 for the field day.

On April 20th we will start in the field of Kevin Huffman.  Breakfast will be provided by Lone Star Ag Credit. Dr. Reagan Noland will lead us on a walking tour of the Hard Red Winter Wheat Varieties. He will be discussing the “characteristics of each variety entered.” Mark Nemec of MJN Consulting will provide a “Small Grain Insect Scouting Report on Insects and Disease.”

We will move to the McGregor Research Center, located South of McGregor for the remainder of the program.  Dr. Jason Johnson will speak there on “Agriculture Commodities and Current Factors Affecting Markets.”  Tyler Mays, Hill County IPM Agent will present his findings on local research work with “Hessian Fly and Their Impact on the 2023 Wheat Crop.”  We are looking forward to the City of Waco Fire Department presenting on “Grain Rescue.”  Dr. Noland will also be speaking on “planting rate, fertility and other pertinent topics relating to this years’ wheat crop.”  We will have the famous Tenderloin Steak Tips for lunch.

This program will offer 2 TDA CEU’s and 4.5 Certified Crop Advisor Credits. Registration starts at 7:30am. It will be $10 to register. Please RSVP before April 10th by calling the office at (254)757-5180 or emailing Candace Chapman at candace.chapman@ag.tamu.edu